Topics: functools.wraps

We have discussed decorators on day 5, day 6 and day 20 already. Therefore, we know that decorators allow us to extend or modify the behavior of a function without permanently modifying the function itself. In our example we modified the says() function of our CastleKilmereMember class to be whispering instead of talking normally:

class CastleKilmereMember:
    """ Creates a member of the Castle Kilmere School of Magic """
    def __init__(self, name: str, birthyear: int, sex: str): = name
        self.birthyear = birthyear = sex
        self._traits = {}

    def whisper(function):
        def wrapper(self, *args):
            ''' Whispering decorator '''
            original_output = function(self, *args)
            first_part, words = original_output.split(' says: ')
            words = words.replace('!', '.')
            new_output = f"{first_part} whispers: {words}.."
            return new_output
        return wrapper

    def says(self, words: str) -> str:
        '''Allows a Castle Kilmere Member to talk'''
        return f"{} says: {words}"

When applying a decorator we replace one function with another. In our case, we replaced the says() function with the whisper() function. This has consequences. For example, the metadata attached to our “original” function is replaced by the metdata of the new function: when looking at the name or docstring of the says() function we won’t get the result one would expect. The output of

bromley = CastleKilmereMember('Bromley Huckabee', 1959, 'male')

is wrapper, not says. The same holds for the docstring:


outputs Whispering decorator. But we don’t want to lose any information associated with our original says() function! If applying a decorator corresponds to losing information about a function, we would have a serious problem. Luckily, there is a solution: the functools module. Applying functools.wraps to the wrapper function carries over the name, docstring, arguments list, etc. of the original input function:

def whisper(function):
    def wrapper(self, *args):
        ''' Whispering decorator '''
        original_output = function(self, *args)
        first_part, words = original_output.split(' says: ')
        words = words.replace('!', '.')
        new_output = f"{first_part} whispers: {words}.."
        return new_output
    return wrapper



returns the desired result, namely says and Allows a Castle Kilmere Member to talk.